Gary and Nancy's Photo Gallery

This web site makes extensive use of Javascript for both the menu and display of all pictures.

Most browsers have Javascript enabled by default so there shouldn't be a problem. However, you may have disabled this feature for some reason. I also understand the the Safari (i.e. Apple) browser has Javascript disabled by default.

If you want to navigate this web site, it is necessary to enable Javascript. If you want to do that, instructions for most popular browsers are documented at the following links (It's really easy):

Enable Javascript in Internet Explorer

Enable Javascript in Firefox

Enable Javascript in Safari
Note: Some versions of Safari still can't display the menu. If you have this problem, you can use the Site Map

Enable Javascript in Opera

Enable Javascript in Chrome

Enable Javascript on an iPhone

Enable Javascript on an iPad

Enable Javascript on Android Chrome

Enable Javascript on Android Naitive Browser

Other Troubles or Comments
If you are still having trouble and really want to view this site or if you just want to comment, please feel free to contact me by clicking the following link:
e-mail for more help or comments